ADD YOUR VOICEJoin the growing group who are using their voices and platforms to amplify sworn declarations. Read one yourself, record it, and post to your own platforms. Let this ripple out and make bigger and bigger waves.
When opening the folder of Declarations, allow yourself time to read several and find one that speaks to you before recording. 02. NEXT, RECORD A VIDEO OF YOURSELF READING THE DECLARATION:
03. FINALLY, UPLOAD YOUR VIDEO TO YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA. Upload particularly to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. When you upload please copy and paste the following language as your caption: INSTAGRAM:
Fueled by dangerous conditions and a systemic failure to protect people who are detained pre-trial, a COVID outbreak is sweeping through the Prince George's county jail. Take action and hear from the people inside at #GaspingForJustice. TWITTER:
"I could barely breathe." "I begged to go to medical, but I was ignored." "Are we about to die?" These are the sworn statements of people locked in P.G. County’s jail and facing COVID. They are fighting for their lives. Hear them. And take action. FACEBOOK:
P.G. County’s top prosecutor Aisha Braveboy claims she supports bail reform. But she isn’t advocating for release. People are now jailed in horrific conditions and facing COVID infection and death. @PGSAONEWS, show us what #bravejustice really looks like. |